Baltimore City, Maryland Not your city or county?

Licensing Information

License Fees

Standard License Fees

1 Year

Unaltered Cat or Dog $30.00
Spayed/Neutered Cat or Dog $10.00

Senior Citizens Age 65 or Over

1 Year

Unaltered Cat or Dog $15.00
Altered Cat or Dog $5.00

Lifetime License

Altered and Microchipped Pet $100.00

Other Fees

Replacement Tag $1.00

Vaccination against Rabies must be current as of the date of licensing. All licenses are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Baltimore City offers a reduced licensing fee solely to pet owners that have joined the initiative in fighting Baltimore City's pet overpopulation issue by spaying and neutering their personal pets.

Required Paperwork

  1. A current rabies vaccination certificate is required if the rabies vaccination on file has expired. The rabies certificate must be signed by a licensed veterinarian. Please check your certificate for correct address and pet information.
  2. Proof of spay/neuter, such as a signed statement from a veterinarian or an invoice for services is required if the pet has been altered since the last licensing period and you are applying for the lower spayed/neutered license fee.
  3. Proof of age is required to receive the discounted fees for senior citizens age 65 and over.
  4. The lifetime license requires proof of pet's spay/neuter, microchip and current rabies vaccination.

Your paperwork will not be returned to you, so please retain a copy of your documents for your records.

Mailing Address

To license by mail:

  1. Enclose copies of all required paperwork. The license application below may be downloaded and included, but it is not required.
  2. Determine the correct license fee for each of your pets.
  3. Make your check or money order payable to "BARCS Animal Licensing." Please do not send cash.
  4. Mail your paperwork and payment to:
  5. Baltimore Animal Licensing
    c/o PetData
    PO Box 141929
    Irving, TX 75014-1929


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