Kirkland, Washington Not your city or county?

Reminder Notice

You have received a Renewal Notice for your pet's City of Kirkland Pet License. Our records indicate that we mailed the first notice to you approximately 60 days ago, and have not received a response. A late fee has been applied to the amount due for your license. If you have not yet licensed your pet, please do so within 10 days.

If your pet is deceased, you no longer own the pet, or you have moved outside the City of Kirkland, please contact us so that we may update our records.

To pay for your license quickly and conveniently, you may make payment online via major credit card. Any required documents may be scanned and uploaded or submitted later by fax, mail or email. The license will be issued after all required documents are received. For more information, please select from menu on the left. If you cannot find the answer to your question, please Contact Us and a Customer Service Representative will assist you.

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