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Past Due Notice
You have received a Past Due licensing notice for your pet's San Mateo County Animal License. Our records indicate that the first notice was mailed to you at least six weeks ago, and we have not received a response. If you have not yet made payment, please do so within 10 days.
Just above your name on the card you received is the Reference Number you should use when contacting us about your notice. Also listed on the front of the card is your pet's name, the license fee that is due at this time, and the rabies vaccination expiration date that we have on file for your pet.
If your pet is deceased, you no longer own the pet, or you have moved out of the county, please contact us so that we may update our records.
To pay for your license quickly and conveniently, you may make payment online via major credit card. Any required documents may be scanned and uploaded or submitted later by fax, mail or email. The license will be issued after all required documents are received. For more information, please select from menu on the left. If you cannot find the answer to your question, please Contact Us and a Customer Service Representative will assist you.