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License Online

Licensing Ordinance

Voluntary pet registration is offered for dogs and cats in the City of Frisco. Registered pets are returned to their owners more quickly and are not charged the $75 impound fee should they be lost.

Dogs and cats four months of age or older must have a current rabies vaccination.

View the complete Frisco ordinance

Instructions to License Online

Ready to register your pet? If you would like to register online, a convenience fee of $1.95 will apply for each transaction. Multiple pets can be registered in one transaction. Any required documents, such as your pet’s current rabies vaccination certificate, may be scanned and uploaded or submitted later by fax, mail or email. The registration will be issued after all required documents are received.

Please note that free registrations cannot be obtained through the online payment system. If you are a senior citizen (65+), please click here for other submission options.

Click here to begin.

If you prefer to pay by another method, click here to view your other payment options.

Required Paperwork

  1. A current rabies vaccination certificate is required if the rabies vaccination on file has expired. Please check your certificate for correct address and pet information.
  2. Proof of spay/neuter, such as a signed statement from a veterinarian or an invoice for services is required if the pet has been altered since the last registration period and you are applying for the lower spayed/neutered registration fee.
  3. Proof of microchip number, such as a certificate or registration with the microchip company if requesting the reduced-fee microchipped registration.
  4. If you are a senior citizen (age 65 and over), please initial your application or registration form and request the free senior citizen registration.

Your paperwork will not be returned to you, so please only send copies and retain the originals for your records.

License Fees

Standard Registration Fees

1 Year

3 Year

Unaltered Pet


With Microchip



Without Microchip



Altered Pet


With Microchip



Without Microchip



Other Fees


Replacement Tag


Senior citizens age 65 and over may register their pets free of charge.

Registrations cannot be valid longer than the expiration of your pet’s rabies vaccination, so please verify that you have three years remaining on your pet’s rabies certificate before applying for a three-year registration.

The cost for registering unaltered or fertile pets is higher than for registering spayed or neutered pets in order to promote sterilization and to reduce pet overpopulation.

Due Date

In order to keep your pet’s registration current, payment is due within 30 days of the expiration of your current registration.

If you no longer have the pet or have moved out of the area, please use the update forms to let us know.

If you choose to opt out of the voluntary registration program, please return the metal registration tag to our licensing office within 30 days of the expiration of your current registration. Note that if your pet is ever lost and picked up by Frisco Animal Services, you will be required to pay an impound fee if the pet is not currently registered.

Mail to:

Frisco Pet Registration
c/o PetData
PO Box 141929
Irving, TX 75014-1929

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