Lakewood, Washington Not your city or county?

Customer service will be closed on Monday, February 17th for Presidents’ Day. and online pet licensing are available for your convenience.

License Fees

License Fees

Serving Lakewood and Steilacoom, Washington.

City of Lakewood (updated 12/15/2008)

Unaltered Dog/Cat


Spayed/Neutered Dog


Spayed/Neutered Cat


Dog/Cat Under 6 Months


Senior (65+) or Physically Disabled

Unaltered Dog/Cat


Spayed/Neutered Dog


Spayed/Neutered Cat


Dog/Cat Under 6 Months


Other Fees

Service Dog

no fee

Replacement Tag

no fee

Late Fee (after Feb 28 unless new pet)


PDF  Download City of Lakewood License
 Application (PDF format)


Town of Steilacoom

Unaltered Dog/Cat


Altered Dog


Altered Cat


Senior (65+) Fees

Unaltered Dog/Cat


Altered Dog


Altered Cat


Other Fees

Service Dog

no fee

Replacement Tag


Late Fee (30 days from lic. exp)


Late Fee (60 days from lic. exp)


PDF  Download Town of Steilacoom License
 Application (PDF format)

The cost for licensing unaltered or fertile pets is higher than for licensing spayed or neutered pets in order to promote sterilization and to reduce pet overpopulation and starvation.

Due Date

All licenses expire on December 31st regardless of the date of purchase. Payment for your license is due by February 28th.

By ordinance, a late fee is added to each license not purchased within 30 days of the expiration of the prior license.

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